Episode 11: Midwives, Doulas, And Homebirths! Oh, MY!

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Hello, hello, hello everybody! Welcome back to Season 2 of Allegedly Credible! Did you miss us? We surely missed you!

As you may or may not know, last season Mel was super pregnant with her second child and gave birth during the summer. If you listened to our pregnancy episode in Season 1 (Pregnancy), you heard Mel’s story of her traumatic first delivery. So, of course, this time, she wanted the whole experience to be different.

This is where she met Alaina Snell-Broach. Alaina is a midwife, doula, spiritual counselor, and health care advocate. She is the founder of Ahavah Birth & Beyond, LLC and Ahavah House Global Services Inc.

Today Alaina is here to with the crew about the roles midwives and doulas play in aiding women with pregnancy. She is going to walk you through what to expect during home birth and how she sets you up for the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Mel is going to tell you how having a midwife and doula helped her prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally. She talks about what it means to have a VBAC (going from a C-section back to a natural birth), why she wanted to have a homebirth, and how her delivery went this time around.

Danielle is pretty much along for the ride in this episode. She was defiantly taking notes. Y'all take some too because there are so many gems dropped here! You’re gonna learn today!


Episode 12: True Intimacy with yourself & Your Partner


Episode 10: Sexual Experiences